Charles Louis

Charles Louis Sentinella (Deceased) was the translator of MIKLOUCHO-MACLAY: NEW GUINEA DIARIES 1871-1883(*1). He also was the author of the accompanying historical pages which form part of this work.

The entire work can be found at:

MIKLOUCHO-MACLAY. Nikolai Nikolaevich.
Translated from the Russian with biographical comments by C. L. Sentinella.
Kristen Pres. Madang, New Guinea. 1975. First Edition; 355, glossary; e/p maps, 19 illusts.; pictorial cardcover. ISBN-0-85804-152-9 Important first contact diaries of the Russian ethnologist who spent nearly three years in the nineteenth century on the Rai Coast near Madang in Papua New Guinea, together with period photos and sketches by Maclay.